
Miscellanea II

Sieben Bäume in Form einer 7 - Denkmal für die siebenköpfige Crew der Challenger-Raumfähre in Wapakoneta, Ohio, am 3. April 1995Miscellanea II

Studies on 35 mm color film from 1988 to 1997.

The memorial to the crew of the crashed Challenger-space shuttle in the grounds of the Neil Armstrong Air & Space Museum in Wapakoneta, Ohio, on April 3, 1995. The Ladora Savings Bank by C. B. Zalesky in Ladora, Iowa, April 4, 1995. Both motifs were discovered by chance during a filming expedition to the last eight buildings of Louis Sullivan in the Midwest of the United States. Neil Armstrong was born near Wapakoneta, Zalesky was a scholar of Sullivan. The painting Building of the Devil's Bridge (ca. 1833) by Carl Blechen and the present location of the Devil's Bridge at the St. Gotthard Pass, shot on April 18, 1996, during a filming expedition to Robert Maillart's bridges. The castle in Arco and the swimming pool built by Giancarlo Maroni between 1932 and 1934 in Riva on Lake Garda, filmed March 23, 1997. Maroni came from Arco, and was D'Annunzios personal architect at the Vittoriale in Gardone. The footage was made during the shooting of D'Annunzios Cave - Interior Design as Political Declaration. Ueli Etter cleaning the screens and printing motifs for his exhibition on a clear day in Berlin, August 22, 1995. The post offices in Sabaudia and Latina, south of Rome, built by Angiolo Mazzoni in the early 30s, and his railway station (1937) in Latina Scalo, filmes July 31, and August 3, 1995. Jochen Nickel, Ueli Etter und Ronny Tanner at Ueli Etter's exhibition you can see forever on June 21, 1996. Buildings next to the Via Appia near Pontinia on August 7, 1995. Raw meat at Cabo de Creus in Spain on October 11, 1988.

IMG: Seven trees forming a 7 - Memorial to the crew of the crashed Challenger-space shuttle in Wapakoneta, Ohio, 3. April 1995

Miscellanea I

Detail aus Miscellanea I

Photography and beyond - Part 5 

Studies on 35mm b/w film from 1988 to 1997.

Raw meat at Cabo de Creus and the ruins of "Sant Pere de Rodes" in the Spanish Pyrenees, filmed on October 7 and 11, 1988. Eckhard Rhode, Kyle deCamp and John Erdman at Georges Rodenbach's grave at the Père Lachaise cemetery in Paris on September 27, 1988. Eckhard Rhode translates the inscription on the tombstone: "Lord, give me hope to live on in the melancholic eternity of the book". This footage was made while shooting the feature film "Der Zynische Körper (The Holy Bunch)", in which the scene was not included. The power stations "Humboldt" and "Wilhelmsruh", built by Hans Heinrich Müller in 1926 in Berlin - their interaction with the set-designs in Fritz Lang's "Mabuse" films and "Metropolis" is still felt today - filmed on April 9 and 10, 1997. Jochen Nickel at Heinz Emigholz's exhibition "Die Basis des Make-Up 1974-1994" in the Hamburg Kunsthalle on July 1, 1994. Views of plane trees in Barcelona with Eckhard Rhode on October 4, 1988 - a congenial relationship between the coulour nuances of tree bark and stones and Kodak's Plus X b/w film. The tympanum of Auguste Rodin's "The Gates of Hell" at the Zurich Kunsthaus on October 30, 1988. Hans Etter had scaffolding put up in the front of the sculpture so we could film details not visible from street level. The bronze casting of "La Porte de L'Enfer" in Zurich was done in the 40s near Paris during the German occupation and was a present of the Nazi government to the Swiss arms manufacturer Bührle - as thanks for the good business relationship and the delivery of anti-aircraft guns.

 Abb: Detail aus ›La Porte de l'Enfer‹ von Auguste Rodin in Zürich

The Basis of Make-Up II

Centerfold von Heft 66, 7. Mai bis 3. September 1988The Basis of Make-Up II
Photography and beyond - Part 4

Drawings and writings by Heinz Emigholz


"Basis film and master tape" for the feature films "The Holy Bunch (Der Zynische Körper)", "Second Nature" and "Black Harbour".

Featured are are sixty-nine of Heinz Emigholz's illustratred notebooks from 1983 to 1996, three sketch books from the 80s and 90s, and cinematic studies of his exhibition "Der Untergang der Bismarck" at the Zwinger Gallery, Berlin 1988, a castle moat in Riva, Italy 1997, a casting of Aguste Rodin's "The Gates of Hell" in front of the Kunsthaus in Zürich 1988, an olive grove near Norma in Italy 1995, a magnolia tree in Basle 1996, burnt meat at Cabo de Creus in the Pyrennees 1988, an i9ntersection in Owatonna, Minnesota 1995, and a house underpass in Giesshübelstrasse, Zurich 1996. In addition, there are 184 drawings from the series "Die Basis des Make-Up" as positives and negatives.

Maillart's Bridges

Lagerhaus von 1910 an der Giesshübelstrasse in Zürich, Schweiz, am 15. April 1996Maillart's Bridges

The film shows fourteen concrete roof constructions and bridges designed and built by Robert Maillart between 1910 and 1935: The warehouse on Zurich's Giesshübelstrasse (1910), the filter building in Rorschach (1912), the Maggazini Generali warehouse in Chiasso (1924), the aqueduct near Chatelard (1925), the bridge over the Valtschielbach (1925), Salginatobel Bridge (1930), Spital Bridge (1931), the bridges over the Bohlbach and the Rossgraben Bridge (all 1932), the bridge over the Schwandbach and the Thur Bridge near Felsegg (both 1933), the footbridge over the River Toess in Winterthur (1934) and the Arvebrücke near Geneva (1935). Shooting took place in April 1996.

Img 1: Warehouse (1910) at the Giesshübel Strasse in Zurich, Switzerland, April 15, 1996

Sullivan's Banks

National Farmer´s Bank von 1908 in Owatonna, Minnesota, am 23. März 1995Sullivan's Banks

"All buildings have arisen, have stood, and stand as physical symbols of the psychic state of the people ... throughout the past and the present, each building stands as a social act", Sullivan wrote in the 1906 essay 'What is Architecture'.

"In everything that men do they leave an indelible imprint of their minds. If this suggestion be followed out, it will become surprisingly clear how each and every building reveals itself naked to the eye; how its every aspect, to the smallest detail, to the lightest move of the hand, reveals the workings of the mind of the man who made it, and who is responsible to us for it."

The Basis of Make-Up I

The Basis of Make-Up IThe Basis of Make-Up I
Photography and beyond - Part 1

Drawings and writings by Heinz Emigholz.

Basis film and master tape for the feature films ›Normalsatz‹, ›Die Basis des Make-Up‹ and ›Die Wiese der Sachen‹.

Featured are forty-two of Heinz Emigholz's illustratred notebooks from 1974 to 1983, a notebook of Heinrich Emigholz dated 1941, a sketchbook from the 70s, twenty-four photographs from 100 Hudson Street, 240 President Street, 325 West 11th Street, Kleine Reichenstrasse 2, 36 Sherman Street, 236 Elizabeth Street, 29 John Street and Zippelhaus 6. In addition, there are eighty drawings from thze series ›Die Basis des Make-Up‹ as positives and negatives.

Schindler's Houses

Toole House (1946) in Palm Desert

Schindler's Houses

"Schindler’s Houses" shows forty buildings by the Austro-American architect Rudolph Schindler from the years 1931 to 1952. Schindler’s pioneering work in Southern California is the cornerstone of a branch of modern architecture. All the material for the film was shot in May 2006. The film is thus also an up-to-date portrait of urban life in Los Angeles that has never been documented in this form before.

Architecture projects space into this world. Cinemaphotography translates that space into pictures projected in time. Cinema then is used in a completely new way: as a space to meditate on buildungs.“ Heinz Emigholz

Schindlers Häuser

Loos ornamental

Haus am Michaelerplatz, WienLOOS ORNAMENTAL

The film shows 27 still-existing buildings and interiors by Austrian architect Adolf Loos (1870–1933) in order of their construction. Adolf Loos was one of the pioneers of European Modernist architecture. His vehement turn against ornamentation on buildings triggered a controversy in architectural theory. The development of his “spatial plan” launched a new way of thinking about spaces to be built.


His houses, furniture for shops and apartments, facades, and monuments were built between 1899 and 1931. They were filmed in 2006 in Vienna, Lower Austria, Prague, Brno, Pilsen, Nachod, and Paris in their present surroundings.

Sense of Architecture

Photography and beyond – Part 11
Photographie und jenseits – Teil 11

Film by Heinz Emigholz


Austria/Germany 2009, HDV, 168 min


Premiere: BERLINALE, February 6, 2009  


The film SENSE OF ARCHITECTURE shows 42 contemporary architectural projects of Austrian origins. Shooting took place between June 2005 and November 2006. As an independent work, the film emerged from the material for 57 short films that Heinz Emigholz produced for the traveling exhibition conceived in Graz, Sense of Architecture.

Sense of Architecture

Copyright for all Stills by Heinz Emigholz / Artimage

The Formative Years Plakat

The Formative Years

Extended Version

Ten films (1972–2004) by Heinz Emigholz

SCHENEC-TADY I  (1972/73, 16mm, silent)
SCHENEC-TADY II  (1973, 16mm, silent)
ARROWPLANE  (1973/74, 16mm, silent)
TIDE  (1974, 16mm, silent)
SCHENEC-TADY III  (1973/75, 16mm, silent)
HOTEL  (1975/76, 16mm, silent and sound)
(1976/77, 16mm, sound)
THE BASIS OF MAKE-UP I-III  (1974-2004, 35mm, sound)

All 16mm-films of THE FORMATIVE YEARS are in the Collection of the Austrian Filmmuseum in Vienna.

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The Formative Years in NYC


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