
Years of Construction

Years of Construction

Kunsthalle Mannheim

Photography and beyond – Part 29
Photographie und jenseits – Teil 29

Film von Heinz Emigholz
D 2013–18, 93 Minuten
DCP, 5.1, kein Dialog

Buch und Regie: Heinz Emigholz
Kamera und Schnitt: Heinz Emigholz, Till Beckmann
Originalton und Postproduktion: Till Beckmann
Sound Design: Christian Obermaier
Tonmischung: Jochen Jezussek
Produzenten: Heinz Emigholz, Ulrike Lorenz
Finanziert von der H.W. & J. Hector Stiftung
Gefördert von der Stadt Mannheim, der Kunsthalle Mannheim und der Stiftung Kunsthalle Mannheim
Dank an Beatrice von Bormann, Hanno Diehl, Bogomir Ecker, Sebastian Fath, Hans-Werner Hector, Josephine Hector und das Team der Kunsthalle Mannheim
Vertrieb: Filmgalerie 451

Copyright 2019 by Kunsthalle Mannheim und Heinz Emigholz Filmproduktion

Invitation Kunsthalle Mannheim




Film by Heinz Emigholz

Danemark/Germany, 2018, DCP, 16:9, 5.1, 36 Minutes
Photography and beyond – Part 28

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Idee, Konzept: Heinz Emigholz, Thomas Bo Jensen,
Regie, Kamera, Schnitt: Heinz Emigholz
Kamera, Schnitt, Ton, Postproduktion: Till Beckmann
Tongestaltung, Mischung: Jochen Jezussek, Christian Obermaier
Gefördert von Danish Arts Foundation, Beckett-Fonden,
Dreyers Fond und Aarhus School of Architecture
Produzenten: Thomas Bo Jensen, Heinz Emigholz
Dank an Opera del Duomo di Orvieto, Grundtvigs Church Copenhagen, Aarhus School of Architecture

Copyright 2018 by Heinz Emigholz Filmproduktion

Die Grundtvigs Kirche (1913-1940) in Kopenhagen, entworfen von Peder Vilhelm Jensen-Klint und gebaut von sechs meisterlichen Maurern und ihren Assistenten im Zeitraum von siebenundzwanzig Jahren, und die Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta (1290-1591) in Orvieto, geplant und ausgeführt von vielen Baumeistern und Handwerkern im Zeitraum von dreihundert Jahren.

Le Corbusier [|||||] Asger Jorn [Relief]

Le Corbusier [|||||] Asger Jorn [Relief]

Film by Heinz Emigholz

The film contrasts the "Villa Savoye", built by Le Corbusier in 1931, and Asger Jorn’s "Grand Relief", built in 1959.

Le Corbusier [IIIII] Asger Jorn [Relief] contrasts the Villa Savoye, built by Le Corbusier in 1931, and Asger Jorn’s Grand Relief, which the Danish painter and sculptor produced in 1959 for the Århus Statsgymnasium. The film makes connections between what does not belong together, at least not according to the ideological stipulations of their creators.

“The film came about because I was intrigued by the premise of comparing two buildings that at first seem to have nothing to do with one another. A dialogue between thoroughly stylized clarity and declared wildness, both with ideologically trimmings. It was only by working on the film that I learned to appreciate the two works that had once left me indifferent: the delight of their creators in the productively implemented statement.” Heinz Emigholz

Two Museums

Two Museums

Film by Heinz Emigholz

The film juxtaposes/compares two museums: The Museum of Art, Ein Harod, Israel, which Samuel Bickels (1909-1975) built there in 1948, and The Menil Collection in Houston, Texas, built by Renzo Piano (b. 1937) 1986 . The method of natural lighting in Bickels‘s construction was the direct model for Piano, who adopted for his construction at the request of its patroness Dominique de Menil.

The shooting of the film TWO MUSEUMS / TWO MUSEUMS took place in March 2012 in Houston, Texas, and in May 2012 in Ein Harod, Israel.

Awards and Festivals

International Film Festival Rotterdam 2014
Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen 2014
Jerusalem International Film Festival 2014
Doclisboa International Film Festival Lisboa 2014
VIENNALE Vienna, Austria 2014
First Look Festival at Museum of the Moving Image, New York 2015
National Gallery of Art, Washington DC 2015

PERRET in Frankreich und Algerien

Perret Plakat

Photographie und jenseits – Teil 20
Photography and beyond – Part 20
Aufbruch der Moderne – Teil II
Decampment of Modernism – Part II

Architektur als Autobiografie
Architecture as Autobiography

Auguste Perret (1874-1954)
Gustave Perret (1876-1952)

Film von Heinz Emigholz
D 2012, HDV, 110 min (25 fps)


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