The Formative Years
Extended Version
Ten films (1972–2004) by Heinz Emigholz
SCHENEC-TADY I (1972/73, 16mm, silent)
SCHENEC-TADY II (1973, 16mm, silent)
ARROWPLANE (1973/74, 16mm, silent)
TIDE (1974, 16mm, silent)
SCHENEC-TADY III (1973/75, 16mm, silent)
HOTEL (1975/76, 16mm, silent and sound)
DEMON (1976/77, 16mm, sound)
THE BASIS OF MAKE-UP I-III (1974-2004, 35mm, sound)
All 16mm-films of THE FORMATIVE YEARS are in the Collection of the Austrian Filmmuseum in Vienna.
Press Downloads
The Formative Years in NYC