Schindler's Houses

Toole House (1946) in Palm Desert

Schindler's Houses

"Schindler’s Houses" shows forty buildings by the Austro-American architect Rudolph Schindler from the years 1931 to 1952. Schindler’s pioneering work in Southern California is the cornerstone of a branch of modern architecture. All the material for the film was shot in May 2006. The film is thus also an up-to-date portrait of urban life in Los Angeles that has never been documented in this form before.

Architecture projects space into this world. Cinemaphotography translates that space into pictures projected in time. Cinema then is used in a completely new way: as a space to meditate on buildungs.“ Heinz Emigholz

Schindlers Häuser

Rudolph Schindler hat mit Louis Sullivans und Frank Lloyd Wrights zusammengearbeitet und war der Mentor Richard Neutras. Wie Bruce Goff ist er ein Singulär der Moderne und der Begründer einer eigenständigen, kalifornischen Bauweise. Wegen seiner Wendung gegen den „Internationalen Stil“ ist er lange Zeit in der Welt der Architektur isoliert geblieben. Seine hahezu erzwungene Beschränkung auf die Bauaufgabe „Wohnhaus“ war zugleich Chance zur Entwicklung eines in vielen Varianten erprobten neuen Bauens. Holzbauweise bis hin zum All-over-Design von Möbelentwürfen und ganzen Hauseinrichtungen kennzeichnen Schindlers Stil. Sein eigenes Haus in West-Hollywood kann als epochales Modellhaus gelten. Vierzig seiner Häuser in und um Los Angeles wurden in dem Film SCHINDLERS HÄUSER innen wie aussen im Kontext ihrer heutigen Umgebungen dokumentiert.

Kings Road House (1922) West HollywoodSchindler's Houses

Architektur als Autobiografie - Rudolph M. Schindler (1887-1953)
Photographie und jenseits - Teil 12

Österreich 2007
35mm l Farbe l 1:1:37 l 99 Minuten l Dolby Digital

Writer, cinematographer, editor and director
Heinz Emigholz Sound May Rigler
Camera Assistant Volkmar Geiblinger Editing Assistant Markus Ruff
Sounddesign Jochen Jezussek, Christian Obermaier Speaker Christian Reiner
Sound Mix Eckart Goebel Titles Martin Putz Bookkeeping Heide Semmelrock
Production Coordinator May Rigler Production Manager Alexander Glehr
Commissioning Editors Johanna Hanslmayr (ORF), Jutta Krug (WDR), Reinhard Wulf (WDR/3sat)
Camera rental Otto Nemenz Los Angeles
Labs Fotokem Burbank, Synchro Film & Video GmbH Wien
Producers Gabriele Kranzelbinder, Alexander Dumreicher-Ivanceanu

Produced by
AMOUR FOU Wien in collaboration with Heinz Emigholz Filmproduktion Berlin

Produced with the support of Filmfonds Wien und Innovative Film Austria, ORF Film-/Fernsehabkommen, WDR III und WDR/3sat

"Photography and beyond" is a series of films about art and design - "projections" that become visible as writings, drawings, photography, architecture and sculpture.
A reverse visual process is analyzed: seeing as expression, not as impression.
The eye as the interface between the brain and the outside world, the gaze as a compositional power that projets an idea into the outside world or comprehends it by means of cinematography.
From the writings, drawings and studies of the works of various architects something indescribable is formed: an expression in film of the objectification of mental thought.

Roth House (1945) Studio CityRoth House (1945) Studio CityRudolph M. Schindler
R.M. Schindler (1887-1953) was born in Vienna, where he studied under architects Otto Wagner and Adolf Loos. Inspired by Frank Lloyd Wright‘s 1910 Wasmuth portfolio, he came to Chicago in 1914 and began to work for Wright in 1918. Wright sent him to Los Angeles in 1920 to supervise the construction of the Hollyhock House for Aline Barnsdall. Schindler established his practice there in 1922 with his own Kings Road House, a house designed as live-work space for two couples with a shared kitchen and an apartment for guests. Schindlers work focused on the integration of interior space and exterior space using complex interlocking volumes and strongly articulated sections. He designed over 400 projects, 150 of which were built during his career. These consisted largely of low-cost single family houses for progressive clients. Although the materials and vocabulary of Schindlers work changed during the span of his career, his principles of design and spatial characteristics were consistent throughout his work. This is true even as his spatial ideas evolved in his late work, including the translucent houses of the mid-1940s to early-1950s.
Kathryn Smith, in: The Schindler House, LA
MAK Center for Art and Architecture


Roth House (1945) Studio City 


++ SCHINDLERS HÄUSER auf dem Vancouver International Film Festival und der VIENNALE in Wien im Oktober ++

++ Nordamerikanische Premiere von Schindlers Häuser am 9. September 2007 auf den Filmfestspielen in Toronto ++

++ Verlängert! SCHINDLERS HÄUSER läuft weiter in Berlins schönstem Kino Architektur meditieren: Jeden Sommersonntag um 12.15 Uhr 8./15./22./29. Juli ... bis 19. August

Kino International, 10178 Berlin, Karl-Marx-Allee 33
Kartenreservierung (Karte: 7,50 EUR) beim Kino direkt unter der Nummer (030) 24 75 60 11 oder per Mail bei 451: ++

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Schindlers Häuser – Photographie und jenseits Teil 12

(Auswahl) Stand: 6. Juni 2007

TAZ, 6. Juni 2007

Ein Leben in hellen und offenen Räumen
Fünf, sechs, sieben Sekunden währt eine Einstellung, dann erfolgt der Schnitt. Daraus ergibt sich eine Standbildfolge, die Häuser und Räume mit den technischen Mitteln des Films selbst wieder zusammensetzt: Heinz Emigholz gelang mit "Schindlers Häuser" ein Meisterwerk filmischer Architektur

weiter ...

How House (1925) Silverlake 

Filmtrailer coming soon

Skolnik House (1950) Los Feliz 

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