Drawing (140) from THE BASIS OF MAKE-UP
"Five pornographic sculptures from Aquitania in front of the sketch of a column base in the Cistercian Maulbronn abbey. From the Petite Grammaire de l'obscène by Christian Bougoux, who was the first to copy them and list them encyclopedically. The original site of their placement beneath the roof ridges and on the exterior walls of medieval churches appears logical: the mortal sin had to remain outside the door, but had to be taught in a vivid manner all the same. Pornography has always been self-help and a social necessity. Who else sees to the indisputably existing, excess energies? What is not allowed to be must be placarded larger-than-life to demonstrate the nothingness of the consumers and their emotions. Here, the displays protrude on bars from the stone rosettes of an archway, at the foot of which a motorcyclist had an accident. Next to it, The Resurrection of the Flesh by Luca Signorelli in the Orvieto Cathedral celebrates in an enraptured way the naked back of one of the resurrected humans." (From: Schwarze Blöcke, SchwarzHandPresse 2010).