Drawing (598) from THE BASIS OF MAKE-UP

"In the segment of the circle at the lower edge of the picture a crowd on August 1, 1914, the day after the mobilization to the First World War, at the Odeonsplatz in Munich-after a photograph by Heinrich Hoffmann, who later became Adolf Hitler's personal photographer. At the top right corner, the enlargement of a detail from the picture on which Hoffmann in 1931 discovered cheering Adolf Hitler, whom he had not yet known in 1914. From bottom left to top right a dislocated human joint. From bottom right to top right tracks of human steps. They are from a unit of the French Foreign Legion mixed with those of Gary Cooper and Marlene Dietrich - on a "wandering dune in the Sahara" in the Paramount Studios in Hollywood, 1930, during the shooting of Morocco by Josef von Sternberg. In the middle of a stadium, crouching on the ground, a defeated soccer player who has pulled his shirt over his head and, with this gesture, congenially gives shape to melancholy as the peak of male sexuality." (From: arsenal, december 11).


"Tel Aviv, 21. Februar 1999. Post Leonardos Tränen, für Leonardo Nascimento de Araujo in Second Nature – Die zweite Natur. Im Sommer 1998 weinte sich der Barasilianer Leonardo nach dem verlorenen WM-Finale in unsere Herzen. Ein besiegter Spieler, der sich das Hemd über den Kopf zieht und mit dieser Geste Melancholie als Höchstform männlicher Sexualität kongenial umsetzt. Dazu Spuren in der Wüste...

... und ein ausgekugeltes Gelenk. Der Mond schien im Ha'azmaot–Park, und wir beobachteten die Silhouetten der Menschen oben im Hilton." (Aus: Das schwarze Schamquadrat, 2002).

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