Drawing (199) from THE BASIS OF MAKE-UP

"Lost moving: the “people's actor” and poet Bernd Broaderup and the musician Volker Peters in front of a stone oven in which wrapping foil for chocolate was burnt. This was during the screen tests for Die letzten Geheimnisse der Republik (The Last Secrets of the Republic) some time during the 1980 near Wilhelmshaven. We had just visited our administrator at the KSK (social security for artists). The film, my Arthur-Gordon-Pym version, has still not yet been realized, and Bernd already died seventeen years ago. One could have traveled across the world with him, but he didn’t want to, so we stayed at home. He played his last role in Der Zynische Körper (The Holy Bunch) – Rob, a figure from a novel. The white monster in Poe’s novel spits out a globe, the four-jet plane was the logo of a budget airline company in 1976. In addition, the clipped infinity symbol, the ground plan of a cave in the area of the South Pole, one of the film locations for portraying a world that then still called itself FRG." (From: arsenal, december 08).

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