Drawing (163) from THE BASIS OF MAKE-UP

"In the background, the flipside of the stained envelope, on which dying Marcel Proust wrote down notes on dying, to be inserted in the description of his grandmother’s death in his novel In Search of Lost Time. Anyone who reads the novel will find the most sharp-sighted theory of film ever written in the volume Time Regained. 'There are optical illusions in time as well as space.' Never has the state of the viewer, also called recipient or consumer, been introduced more precisely into the balance between visible world and inner image. In front of this, one of the first male models in the 1970s, showing his bare back to sell perfume. That’s how delicately the equality of objects began. In the bottom part of the picture, the cover of a large sketchbook from April 1984 with the picture of a soiled armchair. In front of it, a triumphant, female Chinese flag bearer." (From: arsenal, may 09).


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