Drawing (144) from THE BASIS OF MAKE-UP
"A mosaic from Pompeii, Death as cupbearer, a water carrier filling up a grave. As a wall drawing spanning several metres, he marked the start of my exhibition The Exhaustion in the Kunsthalle Bremerhaven in 1989. Assembled in four rows, my first 38 notebooks since 1974. My own forehead with unkempt hair in front of a tiled wall on the invitation card to the show Since I am blonde, I dye my hair at the XPO Gallery, Hamburg 1989. The outlines that describe the bottom of the grave filled with water as a human silhouette point to the head of the boy who leans out of the window naked and gives the skeleton the finger. Photographed in Bremerhaven and sent to me anonymously by a fan. It was a hot and dusty day. After viewing the bronze sculpture Monument to the Emigrants by Frank Varga, which had sunk into the sand behind the dike, we trotted along to the Aladin movie theatre on Rickmers Street to preview the movie The Holy Bunch, on account of which my company then went bankrupt." (From: Schwarze Blöcke, SchwarzHandPresse 2010).