Die Basis des Make-Up (The Basis of Make-Up). In: Boa Vista No. 2, Hamburg, 1975
Indian Summer. In: Boa Vista No. 3, Hamburg, 1976
A Portfolio. In: The Paris Review No. 65, New York, 1976
The Results Are In. In: No Rose No. 2, New York, 1976
Normalsatz (Ordinary Sentence). In:Henry No. 5, Hamburg, 1977
Die Chinesische Landschaft (The Chinese Landscape). In: Henry No. 6, Hamburg, 1978
Webster’s Ideallandscape. In: No Rose No. 4, New York, 1978
Three Fairy Tales. In: Paranoids Anonymous Newsletter, New York, 1978
The Case, the Glass, the Said. In: Amateur No. 2, New York, 1979
Zwei Schiffe im Hafen (Two Ships in a Harbour). In: Nancy No. 7, Hamburg, 1979
Art Spiegelman: Breakdowns. Gesammelte Comic Strips. Basel, Frankfurt/M.: Stroemfeld, Roter Stern 1980 (Translation)
One Panel from the The Basis of Make-Up. In: Raw No. 1, New York, 1980
Ordinary Sentenc. In: Raw No. 3, New York, 1981
From Love to Disney. In: Ideolects No. 9, New York, 1981
Die Basis des Make-Up (I). In: Die Republik No. 68-71, 1984
Der Begnadete Meier( Grace Jones). In: Die Republik No. 76-78, 1986
Der Begnadete Meier (Grace Jones). Radio play, Sender Freies Berlin, 1988
Die Basis des Make-Up. Catalogue, XPO Galerie, Hamburg, Zwinger Galerie, Berlin, 1989
Krieg der Augen, Kreuz der Sinne (War of Eyes, Cross of Senses). Book, Kassel: Schmitz 1991
Kleine Enzyklopädie der Photographie (Little Encyclopaedia of Photography). In: Die Republik No. 89-91, 1991
Silke Grossmann: Photographien. Mit Texten von Frieda Grafe. (Photographs. With Texts by Frieda Grafe). Edited by Heinz Emigholz. Stuttgart: Cantz 1992
Zwölf Filme (Twelve Videos), Filmgalerie 451, Stuttgart 1992
Seit Freud gesagt hat, der Künstler heile seine Neurose selbst, heilen die Künstler ihre Neurosen selbst (Since Freud Said That the Artist Heals His Neuroses Himself, Artists Have Been Healing Their Neuroses Themselves). Book, Kassel: Schmitz 1993
Photography and beyond. Camera Austria 47/48, 1994
Die Basis des Make-Up (II). In: Die Republik, 94-97/1997
Das schwarze Schamquadrat (The Black Square of Shame). Book, Berlin: Schmitz 2002
Fotografía y más allá (Photography and beyond). Book, Buenos Aires: Editorial Altamira 2004
Photography and beyond. Camera Austria 87, 2004
Los Angeles, April 24, 1998 . CinemaScope #20, 2004
Die Basis des Make-Up. 604 drawings. Book, Pym Films, 2007
Die Basis des Make-Up (III). In: Die Republik No. 68-71, 2008
Sense of Architecture. Book, Graz: Artimage, 2008
Sentimental Bombast. Mailbook, Cologne: Flypaper #5, 2010
Schwarze Blöcke. Booklet, Flaach (CH): SchwarzHandPresse, 2010
25 Rejection Slips. In: Naomi Schenck, Archiv verworfener Möglichkeiten. Munic, Belleville 2010
Black Blocks. Drawings and texts. In: CinemaScope #46, 2011
The End* . Texts and drawings. Disko 22, 2011
Six Panel from The Basis of Make-Up. In: Strapazin # 109, 2012
Zeichnung oder Film. Drawings and texts. Cologne, Walther König 2013
Recently Censored XXX Diary af a Wet Muschi for Non-German Reading Children. Los Angeles, EPI 2013
Work in progress: Das weiße Schamquadrat (The White Square of Shame)
Since 2008 a monthly column in Arsenal program, Berlin.
Since 2005 ongoing edition of all films by Heinz Emigholz on DVD, Filmgalerie 451, Berlin.